Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The First (swing) Dance of Christmas: Blue Night in Bethlehem

The First (swing) Dance of Christmas: 
Blue Night in Bethlehem
It was a blue, blue night in Bethlehem,
when sweet mother Mary and good old Joe 
(and  baby JC in and ex utero)
came blowing into town, 
made the scene
danced the crazy dream, 
lit a big Guadalupe candle to crack
the too long too damn dark. 
So I sing the big mystery in our animal skin,
finally coming in to dig and deal with us. 
Donkey braying heigh-ho,
Angels singing daaayyy-ooooo
Si Señor. Muchas muchas gracias para Navidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Si Señor. Gracias a Dios.
This night, this night, 
we're gonna' get it right, 
we're gonna' make it ring, 
we're gonna' bring our sheep, 
we're gonna' bring our feet, 
we're gonna' take the leap
and do the one thing we've 
waited for all our lives. 
Damn those Romans, 
tonight we're gonna' make it 

No more silence. No more solitude. 
Tonight, the presence is the present. 
For once and maybe for only,
love is not a longing. 
No, no, 
love right now is this sweet sweet finding, 
right now it's this wild dance, 
this laughter, 
this swirling vertiginous motion
making shepherds angels, 
maids mothers, 
kings beggars,
and god man.  


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